Missing Microsoft Windows .dll files

This article will help you how to resolve your computer system problem without reinstall your operating system (Windows XP). A missing or corrupt .dll file can be caused by any of the below possibilities:

  1. Another program was uninstalled that removed a .dll file that was required by another program or the operating system.
  2. A program was installed that overwrote the .dll file with either an older version or a version that is incompatible with other programs causing .dll errors.
  3. A bad installation of a program corrupted one or more files causing the .dll errors.
  4. Another user or program maliciously or mistakenly deleted the .dll file or an associated file.
  5. A hardware issue exists with the computer, such as a bad hard disk drive, causing the data on the drive to become corrupt, casing the .dll errors.
In some situations, it may be possible to download or copy a .dll file from another computer onto your computer to resolve the issue. However, because .dll error messages are almost always a more serious issue and/or replacing the missing .dll file with a replacement will cause additional errors or report additional missing files, we suggest you try the below suggestions first.

If you're encountering .dll errors that are preventing you from getting into Windows, to troubleshoot the computer, boot the computer into Safe Mode by restating your computer than press F8 button of your keyboard.

If your computer boots normally and/or you're able to bypass the .dll errors and still operate Windows, and you're a Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000 user, Microsoft has included some tools that can help resolve .dll file errors relatively easily; before trying any of the below recommendations you, may want to first try the below suggestions.

Use the Windows XP SFC command to have windows scan and repair files; to run this command, follow the below steps:

  1. Click Start
  2. Click Run
  3. Type "sfc /scannow" and press enter
  4. Insert Your Windows XP or 2000 CD

Once the above steps have been completed, Windows will verify that all protected windows files are intact.

Get more tips and tricks to resolve your computer error from this site!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the nice post about Microsoft windows
    dll missing -files..I will immediately take hold of your rss feed ..


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